Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is a succulent plant with fleshy leaves that contain a clear, gel-like substance. This gel is often used for various health and beauty purposes because of its alleged medicinal properties.

Cultivation >

Nutritional values >

Use >

Did you know… >


Aloe Vera thrives in warm climates and is grown worldwide, often as a houseplant. It requires little water and can grow in a variety of soil types.

Nutritional values

Although Aloe Vera is not commonly consumed as food, the gel contains vitamins, minerals, amino acids and enzymes. It is mainly used externally for skin care.


Aloe Vera gel is sometimes added to smoothies, juices and desserts for extra nutrients, but should be used in moderation because of possible laxative effects.

Did you know…

The ancient Egyptians already called Aloe Vera “the plant of immortality” because of its beneficial effects on the skin and body. Its use dates back thousands of years in different cultures around the world.

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